She threw one a little too hard and it came back and hit her in the eye. She ran inside yelling and crying and her parents drove her to the hospital
The doctor tells the family that her eye is going to have to be removed and she’ll need a prosthetic. The family doesn’t have a lot of money and can’t afford a proper glass eye, so instead they get one made of wood.
For the next few years the girl endures every bit of teasing and every joke about her eye that comes her way. She ends up being very shy and lonely.
Then she hears her school is having a dance and she decides to go. She gets dressed up and looking very nice and leaves for the dance.
At the dance she stands off to the side hoping someone might ask her to dance. Eventually she spots a boy her age sitting down across the room. He has a prosthetic leg and seems to be in the same situation she is.
She crosses the room, goes up to him and asks if he wants to dance. He gets so excited, jumps out of his chair and cries “Oh boy would I!”
The girl scowls at him, yells out “peg leg” and walks off
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