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Daily Joke: How Can You Tell A Little Kid A Thing Like That

05/23/2022 from Daily Jokes

Daily Joke: How Can You Tell A Little Kid A Thing Like That

On the first day of school, a first-grade teacher goes around the room, asking the six-year-olds what their parents do for a living.

Little Billy says, “My Dad is an engineer, and my Mom is a secretary.”

Then little Susie says, “My Dad is an accountant, and my Mom is a waitress.”

Then little Johnny says, “My Dad plays the piano in a whorehouse, and my Mom stays home to take care of me and my sister.”

The teacher gives Johnny a note to take home, asking his father to come see her.

The next day, Johnny’s father shows up at the school, and the teacher says, “Johnny told me what you do for a living. That you play the piano at a whorehouse!”

“Oh that!” the man says, and makes a face. “Actually I’m a lawyer, but how can you tell a little kid a thing like that?”

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