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Daily Joke: Retired

03/16/2014 from Daily Jokes

An urbanite retired and moved to the country. Every morning he put on his denims and a straw hat and made every effort to become a country gentleman.

One day an old friend came to visit him from the city. As he was showing him around the farm they came to the gentle-man’s pride and joy…a fine-looking horse.

“Yes sir,” said the gentleman, “I go for a buggy ride almost every morning. How about I hitch up old Sea Biscuit and we go for a ride?”

“Suits me.” answers the friend.

The gentleman started to harness the horse, but the animal resisted having the bit put in his mouth. It was obvious that the new farmer had no idea how to harness a horse, and after the tenth attempt to get the horse to open its mouth, the guest said, “Why don’t you wait until he yawns?”

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