I took my 13-year-old son with me to a large charity barbecue. A few thousand people there and several different rib joints you can sample. It was awesome, the food was fantastic.
There was also a large beer tent that had a band with many people in it. Band was pretty good the music while people ate their food.
I grabbed a table with my son and we were eating our dinner when I noticed I had lost my Rolex sometime that day. Since my grandpa left it to me in his will, this was pretty upsetting.
Shortly after we finished our meal, a man and a woman began arguing near the area where we entered the tent. It looked like it was getting pretty intense, so I walked over to see if I could help. As I got closer to the arguing couple … it began to escalate. The guy pushed the woman really hard and she fell back. I am not much of a tough guy, but in anger I punched him with every thing I had. As he fell to the ground, I noticed right where he had been standing … was my missing Rolex, squished into the grass.
I am pretty sure I did the right thing, as there was no way I was going to let that s*** happen, on my watch.
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