A sucessful business man became disenchanted with the stress of the fast life in the big city and decides to chuck it all. He takes his savings and purchases a large ranch in the middle of nowhere in Montana.
After a couple of months of enjoying the solitude he hears the drumming of hoofbeats outside his cabin. Grabbing his rifle he challenges the man riding up on the horse.
“Hold it neighbor” the man says, ” I’m your neighbor, I have a ranch only six miles from here, and I want to invite you to a Welcome Party I’m throwing for you next Saturday. There’s going to be music, dancing, hugging, kissing, drinking, fighting…. We’ll have a great time”.
Not wanting to be unneighborly the new rancher lowers the rifle and ask’s ” How should I dress?”
” Aw, don’t matter” replied the neighbor, ” Only gonna be the two of us”.
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